Always dreamed of joining a utopian commune? Take this quiz to learn how you’d fare on the farm:
1. It’s the first day on the farm and it’s time to get to work. You open the tool shed and grab:
- A. An axe. Chopping wood is the kind of hard, lonesome labor that will let a man truly know himself.
B. A pail and stool. You can’t wait to learn to milk that cow!
C. Whatever’s left after everyone else picks. You’re just so excited to contribute.
D. A pitchfork. What wonders surely lie within that pile of manure!
E. A butter churn. How wonderful to see the unruly milk resolve itself into the dependable firmness of butter
2. After a long day of farming, you’re most likely to remark:
- A. “We will walk on our own feet; we will work with our own hands; we will speak our own minds.”
B. “Labor is the curse of the world, and nobody can meddle with it without becoming proportionally brutified.”
C. “For myself, I would not exchange this life for any I have ever led. I could not feel contented again with the life of isolated houses, and the conventions of civilization.”
D. “What a sympathetic union we have found between intellectual and manual labor!”
E. “Just keep working and the seas will turn to lemonade.”
3. What’s your favorite animal on the farm?